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A Little About Me

A Cycling Lifestyle

My passion for Fitness, and specifically Cycling, began when I was a teen.  Once my friend Jon and I got our hands on a car, we immediately purchased MTN bikes and spent years riding Westwoods in Guilford, CT.  I've since spent over 30 years enjoying, competing, teaching, and working in the cycling industry.  Most recently, in 2009, I co-founded CT Cycle Center.  Over 25 years ago I started a career at Zane's Cycles.  

My personal experiences in the saddle include logging tens of thousands of miles on the roads and trails in CT, racing mountain and road bikes, riding in American cycling meccas including CA, CO, UT, and most of the Northeast.  I've also spent time cycling in Spain and France.

One of the most rewarding parts of my experiences is the human connections I've made.  When someone tells me how much they enjoyed a ride, how good they felt, how far they rode, how fast they went.  That's extremely rewarding, when I can be part of someone's growth both on and off the bike.  Cycling is a lifestyle, it's active, healthy, challenging, rewarding, and fun.  People who take part see tremendous Physical and Mental gains.  Gains reflected well beyond the saddle.

My passion for fitness, cycling, people, teaching, instructing, growth, and the lifestyle, have all been leading me in one direction.  Greg Comen Coaching.  

About Me: About Me
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