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Safety, Skills, Speed

When we feel Safe on the road we gain Confidence.  Learning Skills makes us Efficient.  Speed comes from targeted Monthly Training Plans.  Being successful at cycling is based on following a few core ideas that all intertwine, build on each other, and form the perfect combination of Mental and Physical Fitness.



Many cyclists I talk to tell me they would ride more but they are "not comfortable on the road".  Therefore, they avoid situations they're uncomfortable with and never progress.  Many accidents on bikes occur due to inexperience. We rid ourselves of inexperience by building confidence.  Although we cannot control the actions of others, we can train ourselves Mentally and Physically to avoid accidents.  Mental Fitness of the mind.  With a mix of drills and skills, I will help you achieve your goals.



Going faster is not always efficient. In fact, generally, we first need to slow down to increase speed.  There are endless skills that make you more efficient on the bike.  Efficiency reduces fatigue, minimizes accidents, injury, also makes you more confident and increases speed.  Physical Fitness of the body.  A mix of drills and skills will increase your Efficiency.



Cyclists who have already built a base of confidence and efficiency want to increase power and speed. Monthly Training Plans will bring it all together to achieve your goals.

Safety, Skills, Speed: Classes
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